Thursday, April 15, 2010

Brand new Eyes

Hey guys, how are you? I hope great. Today as i promise a few days ago (klik disini), i wanna share for you guys about this Album. Brand new Eyes. :D check it out!

Finally, di tahun 2009 Paramore ngeluarin album barunya yg berjudul (look at the picture bellow). Uhh, super duper excited. Sebelum beli cdnya, aq si udah download2 lagunya duluan. ;D. Album ini sangat special bgt deh buat gue. haha. Karena belinya jauh di Medan, hahhaa. Aku beli di Sun Plaza waktu pulang natalan thn 2009 yang lalu. Bukan hanya Album ini yang special tapi karena 'moment' waktu membeli album ini.

Sepupu-sepupu gue memutuskan untuk pergi jalan-jalan ke Medan membawa mobilnya mantan pacar kakakku (yang sekarang udah jadi pasutri *liat disini). Seperti biasa, kekonyolan kami gk pernah bikin suntuk. Gue masi ingat waktu itu perjalanan ke medan kami mulai dengan topik pembicaraan "LELAKI JAHANAM" hahhaa. yeahhh! macam-macam lahh. Biarpun dimobil udah mpett petan tapi tetep bocorr semua. haha.


Eh, ini kok jadi jauh dari Paramore si.. haha. Okay, jadi di Perjalanan aq minta agar CD paramore ini diputar, dan ohhh God. seneng bgt deh, dengerinnya. Karena lagu-lagu Paramore tu unik-unik dan nggak monoton begitu-begitu aja seperti Ignorance, Carefull dan Playing God asikkk banget dah.

Yang paling berkesan buat gue itu waktu pulangnya, still w Paramore di Player. Ngelewatin hutan belantara , jalanan yang berliku-liku sambil dengerin Paramore dan sekalian berhayal hal-hal yang indah juga. Haha. Sepupu2 gue udah pada tidur waktu itu, cuma Kak Mia (nyupir) dan gue doang. Serasa Paramore konser hanya buat gue. Hahaha. Apalagi waktu dengerin dua lagu dibawah ini :

the best 'mellow song' ever.

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk

Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

Aseli jadi mellow banget. Mana suaranya Hayley oks banget. Huaahh!

Brick By Boring Brick salah satu lagu favorite gue.
And i love the cover Kewwwll! look at the picture.

here's the track!

Dan, Paramore akan selalu menemani hari-hari ku disaat senang dan sedih.. *mulai mendramatisir. Haha. Dengerin deh lagunya, denger yang ringan-ringan dulu aja seperti The only exception atau Decode... so cool. It's worth to listen. Berkualitas.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

;Parawhore !!

Hii guys, sorry for the late posting. *Janjinya kan gue update hari Senin ( baca disini ), tp krn gk ada yg protes juga, jadi gpp. Haha. Kemarin gue lupa bawa kabel data. Okay, straight to theeee..

Paramore ?

Paramore an American rock band from Franklin, Tennessee formed in 2004. Members are lead vocalist and keyboardist Hayley Williams, lead guitarist Josh Farro, bassist Jeremy Davis, drummer Zac Farro, and rhythm guitarist Taylor York.

Jeremy, Zac, Hayley, Taylor and Josh

Yes. They are, dan aku adalah seorang Pecinta Paramore. Hehe. I love Paramore since at first sight a few years ago, when i saw "Decode" video, which became Original Soundtrack of "Twilight". Waktu itu gue dan saudara-saudara gue sedang menunggu giliran Karokean di Nav Bandung, awalnya sih gue interest karena "Twilight"-nya tapi setelah mendengar dan melihat video clipnya, emp, keren banget.

How can I decide what’s right?
When you’re clouding up my mind
I can’t win your losing fight all the time
Not gonna ever own what’s mine
When you’re always taking sides
But you wont take away my pride
No not this time
Not this time...


Sejak saat itu, I'm officially loves Paramore. Sampai sekarang Paramore sudah mengumpulkan 3 Album yaitu :
  • All we know is falling in 2005,
  • Riot in 2007
  • Brand new eyes in 2009.
Dan sayang sekali gue "telat" mengidolakan Paramore, dan CD Album All we Know is Falling udh:(. Cukup dengerin dari download-an aja. But, it's okay. Riot and Brand new Eyes in my hand now!

*bedah RIOT !

Cover albumnya sesuai dengan namanya Riot = Rusuh! :D


Woooaa, speechless gue kalo ngomongin tentang Paramore. Awalnya gue mengira lagu-lagu Paramore itu beratt yang isinya lagu teriak-teriakkan gitu.. Haha. I was wrong, waktu mulai dengerin track 1, 2 dan seterusnya. Lagu Band terenak yang pernah gue dengerin dan bisa bikin gue bersemangat, sertaa bikin gue joget-joget nggak jelas. Dengan suaranya Hayley yang enakkk banget didengerin emphh. Help me i'm Addicted! yeah and it's heavy because their quality music. Yang nggak asal-asalan, lagu-lagunya yang unik dan 'lucu' dengan judul yang menarik, seperti Crush crush crush, That's what you get, We are broken dan semuanya lagu di album ini gk ada yang gk enak lagunya. Surreal!

Andddd about "Hallelujah dan Miracle" songs. Paramore itu menurut gue band rock alternatif yang sangat religius baca aja lirik-lirik lagunya dan terlihat banget dari ucapan "thanks to" dari personil yg tertulis di albumnya, at first they always thanks to Jesus Christ... Ohh, makin cinta dahhh gue!

Untuk hari ini, sekian dulu yaa, besok gue post lagi tentang Album ke tiga Paramore, "Brand new eyes". Bye.

This time we're not giving up
Let's make it last forever
Screaming "hallelujah"
We'll make it last forever...


I'm not going
cause I've been waiting for a miracle
And I'm not leaving
I won't let you
Let you give up on a miracle
Cause it might save you


And when you try to listen it, be carefully because you will fall.

Fall in love with these people.

to be continue...


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Say Cheese ;D

Hy, guys!! Tomorrow is Easter day. And it's red date rite? So, how and where do you spend your short holiday? Emph. Share w me.

And i wanna say : HAPPY EASTER !! :D for us who celebrate.

"Hopefully in Easter we reminded for always thankful above HIS sacrifice for us."

And, i can't wait to post about "How, when and why i do love PARAMORE ?" on Monday. :D

SOON. only. AT. this. BLOG

See u
guys on Monday. Tnx u for visiting my 'bad' blog.