Monday, March 29, 2010

Perfect of Saturday, 27 March.

Hi guys, how are you today? I'm so fine, and hope you guys fine too. It's Monday rite? And it's a different 'Monday' for me, because I'm so excited get to work today, unusual Monday ever. Yes, UNUSUAL. Tereeerenggg! But i don't wanna share my experience about My Great Monday, not about today, tapi tentang... *read the title above.

Saturday, 27 March

1. I'm going out w Ester (my cousin). I asked her accompany me to Pramitha Lab at Matraman, to take my teeth photo that swollen. It just take 15 minutes and the result could directly be taken.

2. We called it Bedroom Project. A few days ago, Bang Kalep and Bang Erwin (My church friends) sent me message and asked me,
if I would to be backing vocals for their own songs. Yeap, and of course i said yes. Without thinking twice! and still w Ester. Back from Matraman, we went home first get our lunch and take a rest a little while. And, after that Bang Kalep pick us then go to his "kosan".
Yeah, awalnya gue bingung mau take vocal dimana dan curiga suara gue hanya direkam pake recorder biasa. Haha. Butt, i was totally wrong. Iya si take vocalnya pake mic and speaker biasa, not to expensive i thought, tapi software yang dipake buat take vocalnya cing yang canggih... ;D . A t first, we discuss the song and make certain which part would i sing and complete the improvisations. Dan setelah beberapa kali latihan akhirnya tiba saatnya take vocal, agak sedikit nervous, but it was really fun. I love singing, music and anything related to art.
It's in my blood.

okehhh, kembali ke proses take vocal... sempet beberapa kali di take, trus false, lupa lirik, suaranya terlalu kecil dan akhirrrnyaa. Selesai juga. Tinggal tunggu doubing dengan suaranya bang Erwin serta diedit yang perlu diedit.

Project ini buat apa si ?

Well, projek ini untuk dijual. Ada 3 lagu sebenernya, tapi suara gue hanya dibutuhkan di lagu yang berjudul "Bapa" ini. Yess, ini adalah Project lagu Rohani Kristen. 2 Lagu sebelumnya telah dikirim dan ditawarkan ke Maranatha Record, dan mereka suka dan minta satu lagu lagi. Suka bukan berarti mau. Kepastiannya belum bisa dipastikan, and i don't care if Maranatha buy our song or not! It's not a problem for us. But, it was in our prayer.. hahahaha! Just pray for God, for the best! Amin Amin.

Yeah, i called this saturday, 27 March was Perfect.

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